8:00 AM IGOT 2 Stretch With Seniors
Yoga is a gentle way to keep your body stretched and moving. Click the link above to start your day with IGOT Leader Kim Kelley and members as they stretch together increasing strength and flexibility on Monday. Wednesday and Friday. If you are unable to join at 8:00 AM or are looking for extra stretching on Tuesday and Thursday just click on the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvfDryEt5bw&t=1s
9:00 AM IGOT 2 Walk
We encourage all members to take a 20 minute walk daily. Studies show walking 20 minutes a day burns 90 to 110 calories and reduces risk of early death 16 to 30 percent.
10:00 AM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
11:00 AM IGOT 2 Grow Spiritually
Each week one of our IGOT Volunteers leads this session with either a biblical lesson, a testimony, a devotion, or a time of spiritual meditation and prayer. We are all body, mind and soul and each part needs to be cared for and nurtured. This group is all inclusive, welcoming, and encouraging!
2:00 PM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
5:00 PM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
7:00 PM IGOT TO WALK - During the summer you may walk outside or participate using the video for guidance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4OijQwSxKE&t=666s Be sure to connect each morning live at the 9:00 AM IGOT TO WALK to walk with your IGOT friends!
8:00 AM. Yoga
Yoga is a gentle way to keep your body stretched and moving. Start your day with IGOT Leader Kim Kelley and members as they stretch together increasing strength and flexibility on Monday. Wednesday and Friday. If you are unable to join at 8:00 AM or are looking for extra stretching on Tuesday and Thursday just click on the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x08RoHQmW4c. .
9:00 AM IGOT 2 Walk
We encourage all members to take a 20 minute walk daily. Studies show walking 20 minutes a day burns 90 to 110 calories and reduces risk of early death 16 to 30 percent.
10:00 AM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
2:00 PM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
5:00 PM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
7:00 PM IGOT TO WALK - During the summer you may walk outside or participate using the video for guidance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4OijQwSxKE&t=666s Be sure to connect each morning live at the 9:00 AM IGOT TO WALK to walk with your IGOT friends!
Yoga is a gentle way to keep your body stretched and moving. Click the link above to start your day with IGOT Leader Kim Kelley and members as they stretch together increasing strength and flexibility on Monday. Wednesday and Friday. If you are unable to join at 8:00 AM or are looking for extra stretching on Tuesday and Thursday just click on the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x08RoHQmW4c. .
9:00 AM IGOT 2 Walk
We encourage all members to take a 20 minute walk daily. Studies show walking 20 minutes a day burns 90 to 110 calories and reduces risk of early death 16 to 30 percent.
10:00 AM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
2:00 PM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
5:00 PM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
7:00 PM IGOT TO WALK - During the summer you may walk outside or participate using the video for guidance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4OijQwSxKE&t=666s Be sure to connect each morning live at the 9:00 AM IGOT TO WALK to walk with your IGOT friends!
8:00 AM. Yoga
Yoga is a gentle way to keep your body stretched and moving. Start your day with IGOT Leader Kim Kelley and members as they stretch together increasing strength and flexibility on Monday. Wednesday and Friday. If you are unable to join at 8:00 AM or are looking for extra stretching on Tuesday and Thursday just click on the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x08RoHQmW4c. .
9:00 AM IGOT 2 Walk
We encourage all members to take a 20 minute walk daily. Studies show walking 20 minutes a day burns 90 to 110 calories and reduces risk of early death 16 to 30 percent.
10:00 AM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
11:00 AM IGOT 2 Tell My Story
Join IGOT member and volunteer Carol Kirby, mom, grandmother, and retired state parks employee as she facilitates storytelling. Storytelling has a list of health benefits for your mental health. Storytelling – boost creativity, sharpens memory, increases vocabulary, cast away loneliness, brings happiness, heals depression, and increases self-esteem.
2:00 PM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
5:00 PM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
7:00 PM IGOT TO WALK - During the summer you may walk outside or participate using the video for guidance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4OijQwSxKE&t=666s . Be sure to connect each morning live at the 9:00 AM IGOT TO WALK to walk with your IGOT friends!
Yoga is a gentle way to keep your body stretched and moving. Click the link above to start your day with IGOT Leader Kim Kelley and members as they stretch together increasing strength and flexibility on Monday. Wednesday and Friday. If you are unable to join at 8:00 AM or are looking for extra stretching on Tuesday and Thursday just click on the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x08RoHQmW4c. .
9:00 AM IGOT 2 Walk
We encourage all members to take a 20 minute walk daily. Studies show walking 20 minutes a day burns 90 to 110 calories and reduces risk of early death 16 to 30 percent.
10:00 AM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
2:00 PM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
5:00 PM IGOT 2 Play Bingo
7:00 PM IGOT TO WALK- During the summer you may walk outside or participate using the video for guidance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4OijQwSxKE&t=666s Be sure to connect each morning live at the 9:00 AM IGOT TO WALK to walk with your IGOT friends!
There is noting like catching up with a good friend or family member. We hope you enjoy this weekend time just with your IGOT friends and family.
You are invited to join the Joy Class, a class for women 55 and older, as we study the Bible. Calvary Baptist Church is located in London Kentucky. We realize that as we age, there are times that we would like to go to church and be a part of a faith group, but health, transportation, travel, and life may prevent us from doing so. On those Sundays, please join us as we study and grow together. The teachers are Debbie Gilbert and Stephanie Fouts.
By Appointment with Kimberly Diane
These session are designed to help our 55 and older members become more proficient using their digital devices so they will be able to connect more easily with the digital world.
11:30 A.M. Regency Cinema 8
If you are 55+, please join us for a fun movie, popcorn & soda for only $5 per person at Regency 8 in London KY. Remember to invite your friends and neighbors! This movie is for adults. We will have a wonderful raffle basket and tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5
1st Monday of each month ONLINE
6:00 P.M.
Come learn the basics of Medicare:
Who qualifies, how to sign up, and when to sign up. Very hands on class and a great place to start.
If you are not a member of IGOT Communities, go to www.igotcommunities.com/join and you will be sent the passcode for the meeting.